I've mostly turned the board over to the cats here (Mr. Boo, Scratchy, Missy, and Monkey). Maybe they will update it more often than I do. They certainly have more interesting things to say then I do.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

President George W. Bush or Serial Killer Ted Bundy?

President George W. Bush or Serial Killer Ted Bundy?

Bush or Bundy?

Bush or Bundy?

Bush or Bundy?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Cat Tips

Missy says: "If you don't trim your cat's nails regularly they will grow very long and sharp and then when your kitty is grumpy and doesn't want to sit on your lap anymore your most sensitive human parts will be in great pain."

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Scratchy Hates Andy Rooney

Annoying Andy Rooney was in court for some lawsuit against a celebrity speakers business that didn't pay him and some other celebs like Magic Johnson and that guy that found the Titanic, Robert Ballard. So crazy Rooney comes into the court muttering to himself. He then goes on to add his opinion of the oath by saying "I don't know about god" when asked to swear to tell "nothing but the truth, so help you God." Now we are all godless heathens over at this blog, but sometimes ya just gotta say "yes, so help me god." I mean it's just a formality for christ's snakes! Then Mr. Rooney finishes his arrogant, senile show by trying to cross-examine the defense lawyer, to which federal Judge Colleen McMahon scolded in exasperation "No, no, no Mr. Rooney, the first rule is the witness never gets to ask any questions ... even if he's a journalist."

Scratchy says: "What an idiot, I freakin' HATE that guy."

Monday, April 11, 2005

The World is Popeless!

Mr. Boo says: "I'm goddamn sick of seeing this goddamn pope crap all over the tv! I turn on the tube tryin' to gather some news about the world and all I see is this dead fella all dressed up and everybody gawkin at him. I turn the channell. Same thing. Ahh. . . it's popeless! I'm gonna go smack Scratchy in the head while she's sleeping and then take my afternoon nap. Boo out."


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