I've mostly turned the board over to the cats here (Mr. Boo, Scratchy, Missy, and Monkey). Maybe they will update it more often than I do. They certainly have more interesting things to say then I do.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Cat Facts- Tails

Of all the species of cats, the domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. All species of wild cats hold their tail horizontally or tucked between their legs while walking.

A happy cat holds her tail high and steady.

Almost 10% of a cat's bones are in its tail, and the tail is used to maintain balance.

Thursday, December 30, 2004


September in March

Here's September guarding the barn window last spring. She moved into the downstairs' meeting room of the house earlier this month with the rest of the Barn Cats Gang. Unfortunately I went down to check on her late Christmas night and found her gasping for breath. We rushed her to the emergency clinic, but soon after we arrived she stopped breathing and died. She was pretty old and probably had a tumor or something. This really sucked (and continues to suck) because she had become one of my favorite cats. Just a couple of days before I jokingly told my girlfriend, Ashley, "All I want for Christmas is September." And then she dies on Christmas? Great. This really sucks.


Saturday, December 18, 2004


Me and Scooty

That's me playin with Scooty. He's the silly cat that lives with Kathy, our neighbor (and, conveniently, our vet). He's always hangin' out over here though. When I first met him I called him Floppy, cause as soon as you touch him he flops on the ground!

Me and Scratchy

Missy and Monkey

Mr. Boo Behind Bars

Mr. Boo

Mr. Boo stickin' his head through the rails. He was stuck there for 4 hours and we had to saw the bars away to get him out. . . Just Kidding! He's pretty fluffy so he looks wider than he is, he fit through very easily.


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